Health Insurance

The medical costs have dramatically risen lately. So, in case of a medical emergency, consumers end up spending their savings, which takes a toll on their future plans.

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Health insurance covers your medical emergencies, and makes it a must for us to go for one. The various reasons to take a health insurance, are,

Changing lifestyle:The tectonic shift in our lifestyle has made us more prone to a wide range of health disorders. Commuting, hectic work schedules, wrong eating habits, quality of food, and rising levels of pollution have increased the risk of developing health problems.

Rising medical costs:
The medical costs have dramatically risen lately. So, in case of a medical emergency, consumers end up spending their savings, which takes a toll on their future plans.

Income tax benefit:
Payments made towards health insurance premiums are also eligible for tax deductions under section 80D of the Indian Income Tax Act. Individuals up to 60 years of age can claim a deduction of up to ₹ 25,000 for the health insurance premium paid for themselves, or for their spouse or children. One can also claim another ₹ 50,000 as deduction if you buy health insurance for your parents aged 60 years and above.

Coverage of pre and post hospitalisation expenses:
Not only mainstream medical costs, but also the cost of OPD (out-patient department) expenses, diagnostic tests have also risen in recent times which have made it even more vital for one to buy a health insurance policy.

Additional benefits:
One also gets benefits such as ambulance coverage, coverage for day-care surgeries, coverage for health check-up and vaccination expenses under health insurance. These days’ insurance companies also offer health insurance for Ayush treatment.

Welfin deals with most of the industry stalwart health insurance providers to maximise your benefits and coverage adequate for you, by providing a customized health solution and the best health insurance tailored for you . Our service is quick, end-to-end and entirely customizable so that we can optimize the benefits from your premium.