
The Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI) advises India to diversify IT exports to reduce potential US tariff risks under a possible Trump comeback: ET


The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has launched e-adjudication and e-consultation platforms to streamline legal processes and create a business-friendly regulatory environment, reports ET.


The Union government has ordered the inclusion of solar cells in the approved list of models and manufacturers starting June 1, 2026, to promote domestic manufacturing, reports Moneycontrol.


Rural female labor force participation rose to 41.5% in FY23 from 24.6% in FY18, while the urban rate increased to 25.4%, according to an EAC-PM paper reported by ET.


India’s growth is projected to average 6.8% over the next three years, driven by strong investment and infrastructure spending, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development​ OECD, reports Moneycontrol.


India’s petroleum product exports dropped 12% YOY to 1.29 million barrels per day in November, primarily due to a sharp decline in supply to Europe, according to energy cargo tracking company Vortexa, reports FE.


The Government of India is set to update the base year for calculating GDP from 2011-12 to 2022-23, with the goal of providing a more accurate representation of the country’s economic structure, reports ET.


ET reports that India and Italy are launching the ‘Cotton Route’ initiative to boost trade ties, with both countries exploring collaboration in defence, space technology, and other emerging sectors.


Edible Oil Prices in India Likely to Drop Up to 9% by Mid-December Amid Global Production Surge and Indonesia’s Policy Shift: reports​ ET


BL reports that auto dealers in the country have urged state governments to implement the Centre’s Scrappage Policy, allowing older vehicles to be scrapped for incentives, which would help boost vehicle sales.


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