Even before beginning an investment adventure, health insurance is regarded as the first thing an earning individual should get. Why? Because life is unpredictable, and a sudden health catastrophe can cause a major financial and emotional upheaval. A solid health insurance plan can help you get through the crisis without too much difficulty. When it […]
Tips for purchasing health insurance for senior citizens | Welfin Best Insurance Advisor in Kolkata
The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a wake-up call for many of us, reminding us of the need of having a good health insurance plan in place for ourselves and our families. Because of the rising expense of medical care, having health insurance for senior citizen has become a necessity. Aging carries with it a slew […]
What are the types of fire insurance? Welfin | best insurance advisor in Kolkata
Fire insurance is a type of insurance that covers fire-related damages and losses. Fire insurance agency in Kolkata helps to mitigate the risk of property loss caused by fire, whether purposefully or unintentionally. A fire insurance policy compensates the insurer for losses incurred as a result of the destruction or damage to property or goods […]
Things to Know Before Buying your Car Insurance for Beginners
It is a prudent option to purchase comprehensive car insurance in India. It not only ensures that you respect the law, but it also provides financial protection against car-related expenses. Purchasing auto insurance has changed through time and has gotten more user-friendly. A car can be insured in less than 180 seconds using the insurer’s […]
Tips to Reduce Your Motor Insurance Premium: Welfin | Best Motor Insurance Agency In Kolkata
We endeavor to save every penny we can every day, given the ever-increasing inflation. One way to save money is to purchase the greatest vehicle insurance coverage. A car might be expensive to own if it suffers major damage due to an unforeseen catastrophe. In such cases, automobile premium insurance comes in handy. Having insurance […]
Why do you need an Insurance Advisor? Welfin – Best Insurance advisor in Kolkata
Are you confident that you will purchase health insurance? Do you know – Why do you need an Insurance Advisor? Are you still unable to make a final decision about which insurance to purchase after days or months of research? If this is the case, why not seek counsel from a reputable health insurance advisor? […]
5 tax-saving tips in 2022: Best financial advisor in Kolkata
Income tax becomes a vital obligation to ensure that a country’s government functions correctly and delivers the resources required by its population. As a result, paying income taxes should be regarded as a responsibility rather than a burden. Taxpayers must ensure that their forms are filed and that they are paying the correct amount of […]
what is general insurance and its types
Life insurance & general insurance are the two types of insurance available in India. General insurance plans cover the financial loss caused by the loss of an asset, whereas insurance policies handle the financial loss caused by the loss of a life. As a result, general insurance and it’s types covers the loss of economic […]
Given the surge in the occurrence of health problems at a young age, health insurance is clearly one of the most crucial insurance policies to have in the current environment. Furthermore, the high costs of medical treatment highlight the significance of purchasing a health insurance policy. Health insurance, unfortunately, is the most underestimated type of […]
Saving money is one of the most crucial aspects of creating wealth and guaranteeing a secure financial future. Saving money gives you a way out of the uncertainty of life and allows you to live a more satisfying existence. Putting money away in a systematic approach might help you avoid a lot of pitfalls and […]